It was 2010, when a group of students from the social sciences course and a professor from the sociology department began talking, exchanging ideas and thinking about research on urban marginalities. The NaMargem – Center for Urban Research began, under the coordination of Professor Gabriel Feltran.
Since then, the group has brought together researchers at different training stages to think about the city, urban conflict, violence, the world of crime, normative regimes, state practices, public policies, aesthetics, and youth, always from the urban margins and privileging an ethnographic approach.
The individual and collective researches of the group revolve around the following lines of research:

  1. Urban conflict, violence, and urban margins
  2. Aesthetics, politics, and urban conflict
  3. Youth, violence and population management
  4. World of crime and illegal markets
  5. State practices and public policies on urban margins


Professor Luana Dias Motta, PhD
Department of Sociology – UFSCar
Phone Number: (16)3306-6515
Address: Rod. Washington Luis, km 235 – São Carlos – SP – PO Box 676 – CEP: 13565-905