Dossiê Derivas e vidas: sobre dinheiro, rua e relações de gênero no mundo do crime
Revista Florestan Fernandes – , ano 3, no. 1, 2016
Gone are the days when thematic studies on “crime” were new in themselves. The bibliography of the last decades has built a solid debate on sociability, justice, normativity and the effects produced by the expansion of the criminal world in Brazil. The novelty that gives a background to the works presented in this dossier is the development of this debate for other dimensions of social life, thus focusing on relations that are still little explored: markets, gender, sexuality, life on the street and its analytical connections with the crime. Intensive contact with the field, as is already the tradition of this bibliography, is the methodological axis of coordination of the five works of researchers at different stages of their careers. Each of the articles presented in this dossier demanded a long-term experience and proximity to the “other ones” of the peripheral urban life. Still in the methodological aspect, the texts of this dossier also coincide in the choice to treat what their field interlocutors think not only as an object of analysis, but also as a fundamental part of their reflections. This is how emic terms and classic expressions of socio-anthropological theories are related and interact in the texts, when the authors translate for the reader the materiality of the practices to which they were in contact.